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If you need to know whether a patient has SARS-CoV-2, Accula is the fastest and most accurate answer. Accula provides conclusive results and quick turn around with accuracy and sensitivity comparable to or better than standard lab-based PCR. Accula is self-contained, fully integrated single-use cassette and reusable dock that can be used in CLIA waived environments. It's also available under FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in settings operating minimally under a CLIA Certificate of Waiver.


The rapid Accula SARS-CoV-2 Test uses proprietary Oscarâ„¢ PCR technology to shorten thermocycling times. The Limit of Detection (LoD) is among the lowest measured for the FDA SARS-CoV-2 Reference Panel. Most importantly, Accula provides accurate results in 30 minutes, eliminating the waiting time that can feel like an eternity in a lab. 


Accula is a new, easy-to-use, fast-turnaround and fully integrated single-use cassette for SARS-CoV-2 detection. It is accurate (99%), sensitive (97%), and comparable to standard lab-based PCR. Simply insert the sample, wait 30 minutes, and view your results on the large LCD screen. Use Accula in a CLIA-waived environment.